
Here in Switzerland, I've noticed no chemtrails for the past couple weeks. This is hardly surprising, given that nearly the entire airline industry is basically grounded.
However, a couple days ago, I saw 3 beautiful long chemtrails being created. They were in parallel, a short distance from each other, and followed a graceful curve to the left over maybe 70 degrees. Although the 3 trails were in parallel, the planes were staggered, i.e., not flying side-by-side. I just wish I had had my camera handy so I could have photographed it. Usually the spacing is much wider, usually there's no curves, and I've never seen 3 parallel curves like that. Otherwise the sky was completely blue.
The planes came from about SE (maybe Italy?) and they turned to about N. I think they only way they could have been commercial flights would be if they were repatriating a bunch of people, which seems pretty unlikely. What would be the point of chemtrailing in such a small corridor?

Update. Yesterday I saw a lone airplane chemtrailing. The curious part was that there was a long black "shadow" in front of the plane. It was barely visible until it passed in front of a cloud. It was at least 5 plane lengths long, and my wife saw it too. The sun was off to the side, not directly behind the airplane.

Update. Here's some more funky chemtrailing photos, taken on 7th and 8th of May 2020.