
This breathless report of a small plane crash goes on to claim that we are now experiencing an epidemic of plane crashes lately. It shows lots of photos of plane crashes, and implores us to do the research. So I did just that. The National Transportation Safety Board has a database with all transportation accidents. They provide statistical analysis, access to the raw data, and a tool to do your own queries on the database. At https://data.ntsb.gov/carol-main-public/query-builder it is easy to cobble together a query to gather statistics. I looked for fatal crashes of general aviation airplanes in the timeframe June - September 2021; the database shows there were 63 such crashes in those 4 months. That would extrapolate to about 190 per year. In the past decade fatal GA crashes have been at 220 and up each year.
So there is no epidemic of airplane crashes, unless they're mostly non-fatal, which hardly seems likely or even interesting. That means this report is likely disinformation, designed to mislead, confuse, or just distract, the conspiracy theorists who are pursuing the truth about covid-19. This kind of disinfo is standard operating procedure for those who are trying to cover up their conspiracy. They feed fake news to those eagerly seeking damning information about the plandemic. Then they debunk it, making the conspiracy theorists look like rubes who will believe anything. Sadly enough, all too often they're right.

-- arizona audit hijacked