Public Health versus Economy

At the heart of this whole covid-19 thang is the fatuous claim that public health must be guaranteed, cost the economy what it will. Reality is that the corona virus is no more lethal than a normal flu season. This was officially published in March by Dr. Fauci himself, and by many other experts since. Reality is that a devastated economy has far more deleterious effects on public health than the flu ever could. This was predicted by experts in March, and has since been confirmed many times over.
5G proponents like to claim that the economy is more important than any perceived risks to public health. They point out that mobile data demand is increasing exponentially. Furthermore, future business opportunities such as Internet of Things and self-driving automobiles depend on 5G. In reality, the IoT is a solution looking for a problem, and probably has far more to do with 24x7 surveillance, monitoring, and control than with boosting the economy. Though it could be useful in some scenarios, 5G is certainly not necessary for self-driving autos, and nobody has bothered to explain why we must have self-driving autos. Opponents of 5G point out that hundreds of studies (most of them sponsored by the military) document the health hazards of microwave radiation. Once there's a 5G node on every lamppost and tens of thousands of 5G satellites in orbit, there will be no avoiding continuous irradiation.
So there we have it. Draconian pandemic measures are necessary because public health trumps the economy. 5G is necessary because the economy trumps public health. Pardon me while I tear my hair out.