Excess Deaths
The European Mortality Monitoring hub, EUROMOMO, gathers and charts all-causes death statistics for Europe. Sadly, I cannot present their charts here, so you'll have to go there and eyeball them yourself. Looking at the Pooled number of deaths by age group, and extending the week range back to 2017, on the 85+ years chart we can't help but notice that there's been a lot of deaths wildly above the expected range, with nearly no compensating deaths below the expected range. Given that many people in this age range have a life expectancy measured in months, one would expect that when a lot of them die off in 2017, there would necessarily be a corresponding decrease in deaths over the next few years. This does not seem to be the case. Note also, that the baseline never changes, though every year there have been more deaths than expected.
Moving down to the Excess mortality section, and extending the years back to 2017, the All ages chart makes this undeniably clear. Using the Cumulated curves, we see that, starting about the middle of 2017, excess deaths have been the rule in Europe every year. Altogether there have been north of a million more deaths than expected over the last 5 years. Yet the baseline is never adjusted up, leading one to wonder, who is determining this baseline, and how? And what, exactly, is causing these excess deaths? Clearly it's not just covid-19, as the trend started in 2017.
Speaking of covid-19, why are there 150,000 excess deaths so far (end of June) for 2022? Those who wanted to get vaccinated did so in 2021, most of them multiple times, covid itself has pretty much gone underground, and the flu season ended months ago, so it's hard to believe those 150,000 excess deaths were due to the corona virus.
This becomes especially clear when looking at the 0-14 years chart. Over the course of 2020 they had negative cumulative excess deaths, and this trend continued until week 17 of 2021, after which excess deaths suddenly became, well, excessive. This age group exhibits very few deaths from corona virus, so why the sudden, and continuing, increase in excess deaths? Wasn't this when they started pushing the covid-19 vaccines on our children? Why the 400 excess deaths in the first half of 2022, given that hardly anybody in this age range ever died of corona virus? For that matter, why all the excess deaths in every year except for one year starting at week 16 of 2020? That special year of reduced child deaths corresponds closely to when everyone was in covid-19 lockdown, which inevitably resulted in many children not being kept up-to-date on their vaccine schedules.
Update. I posed some of these questions to EUROMOMO some weeks ago, and have yet to receive a reply.