How the scam works

This report, Manufactured Pandemic: Testing People for Any Strain of a Coronavirus, Not Specifically for COVID-19Manufactured Pandemic: Testing People for Any Strain of a Coronavirus, Not Specifically for COVID-19, shows how they're running the covid-19 scam. Of course it also requires a lot of fake news, as detailed in my earlier post.

Meanwhile, updated 6.4.2020:
Dr. Andrew Kaufman seems to have tied this all together. Cells produce something called Exosomes, and they look just like covid-19. Under stress, cells tend to put out more of these exosomes. He posits that the RT-PCR test used to detect covid-19, is actually detecting exosomes. So the body is under stress (fear, EMF, etc) and produces the common symptoms, plus exosomes. The test detects these exosomes and people are declared to have covid-19. Meanwhile, researchers are studying the covid-19 virus, which is weaponized and patented, but not very deadly, and probably has nothing to do with the majority of "cases".

Jon Rappoport shows that the tests are bogus

If the inventer of PCR is to be believed, PCR is not suitable as a diagnostic tool.

Some people think that the pandemic is really just 5G

An example of how the death statistics are being pumped up.

This report COVID-19 Is Saving Lives shows just how bogus this whole scare is.

Adding insult to injury, doctors in the US are being required to certify covid-19 as the cause of death for any patient who tests positive for covid-19.

According to this Israeli expert, the data shows that quarantine makes no difference at all.

Swedish medical expert Johan Giesecke asserts that all the quarantining is useless.

Another voice questioning the need for lockdown.

Virus pandemic has exposed America's ruling class.

Experts agree that quarantine is no longer a good idea.

This ER doctor in NYC committed suicide not long after seeing a horrifying onslaught of patients found DOA in ambulances, all of them COVID-19 patients. The suspicious among us might be inclined to suspect that they all died of something other than COVID-19. The conspiracy theorists among us might be inclined to suspect that she had help with her "suicide".

Here's a detailed analysis of the situation as of 6 April 2020.

The latest statistics straight from the CDC. Try as I might, I can't spot the crisis here. Maybe you have to be an expert like Dr. Fauci to see it.
If this keeps up much longer, morgues are going to start going out of business!

Unsurprisingly, these embarrassing charts are no longer available on the CDC website.