Shutdowns are pointless, stupid, and evil

As usual, Larkin Rose explains it well. The only reason ever given for shutdown and masks was to flatten the curve, to prevent overtaxing the healthcare system. Neither shutdown nor masks will keep you from getting it; that's impossible at this point. At best you can delay the inevitable, kick the can down the road. Unless you have one foot in the grave already, you probably won't even notice that you got it. In fact getting it is probably a good idea, because it may give you immunity. If you do experience severe symptoms, there are a number of proven-effective treatments, ranging from 20 minutes in a sauna, to vitamin C, to chloroquine and remdesivir. Meanwhile, the long-term health and economic consequences of the shutdown are catastrophal.

Let's add the marvelous rant of Ann Barnhardt
The cure is worse than the disease.