Singing your song

A soul might be compared to a song; each one is unique, and there's no end of possibilities. The performance of a song can be as beautifully straightforward as a soloist and one accompanist (Simple Gifts), or as magnificent as the Mormon Tabernacle Choir with full orchestra and organ backing (How Firm a Foundation).
An incarnation could be thought of as a performance of the soul's song. A good performance involves getting it all right: words, notes, tempo, intonation, rhythm. How do we know when we've got it right? The key words are harmony, progress, and service.
Jesus could be considered the master musician, who came here to show us the way to get it right. Back then this was known as finding the kingdom of heaven, and Jesus told us we find it within ourselves. His unparalleled Sermon on the Mount maps out the way. It comes down to aligning ourselves with God. The more we do this, the more we'll make progress in achieving the kingdom of heaven, and the more harmonious our lives will be. Serving others is another marker on the road to salvation.
Worldly distractions and passions, false beliefs, misunderstandings; these can all lead us off the straight and narrow path. So, to sing our song well, we need to leave all that baggage behind. We need to detect the bad notes and replace them with the right ones. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to learn your song and perform it well, adding your voice to the symphony which is humanity.